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Home Loans For Doctors

Home Loans For Doctors

]If you’ve completed all those years of study to become a medical professional you should be congratulated and proud of your efforts. Now you have to start work on the lowest income bracket and you have to work the most hours at the most inconvenient times. There’s some good news for you though as certain lenders offer home loans for doctors with no mortgage insurance.

The rest of us will avoid paying mortgage insurance if we have a 20% deposit but if you’re a Doctor you can have this expense waived with only a 10% deposit. That can save you thousands and enables you to purchase your own home years in advance.

The banks base all their lending behaviour on Risk and it’s their view that your earning potential is going to be great once you’re established and they know that your pay is always increasing if you’re just starting off after finishing your initial round of studies. Many doctors go on to complete further studies  so it wouldn’t be fair to say once you’ve completed your studies.

The 4 Major Banks have this policy in place but a few of the so called Tier 2 institutions do as well. To know which lender will be most suitable for your individual circumstances you’ll need expert advice from a Mortgage Broker. A Reality Home Loans Mortgage Broker has the experience and the intimate knowledge of lender policy to help choose the right home loans for doctors.


We have helped secure many home loans for doctors and other professionals all with positive outcomes. We’ve even helped a Northern Territory Doctor move to Western Australia after she was offered the opportunity to set up a practice in a sleepy coastal town.

You don’t have to move to the coast or the country of course but speak to us today and we’ll let you know exactly how much you can borrow and what lender is going to offer you the best value so you can pay your home loan off sooner.

Contact us today for an initial no obligations chat!